Thursday 18 June 2009

The Environmental


I going to do a critique the post the July , called " if I could change the politic environmental Chileans politics". The post is very coherent with your form of the think. your have reason when you say that our should to take care the environment and the nature. Also we share the same values, as respect and to carry out activity as recicler materials, glass, papers between other things. The CONAMA is a institutition with the mission the preserve the environmental and to supervice to the people, but your have reason that our sociality have not the culture neccesary for assimilate this reality. The energy is a problem present that all should resolve, because all enyoy of the nature.

Well, your posts always are related with this topic, maybe your could change a little, for example: your often harmonize your blogger with shade the colour green, as well the format of blogspot is "the green room" a little redundant, but anyway is very beautiful your blogger. About the photos, they are very goods, I must say that always surprising me. You are a person very creative.

I hope that our country change the politic evironmental and to raise the business tax or green tax for reduce the environmental pollution.


  1. Dear Claudia:
    I wrote about you in mu blog.. I hope you read it.
    Julia is a fans environment!ahahaha, you looking for a photo in facebook,where it show Sanchez as a President,, ajahaha


  2. well...I think taht mabe I copy you unconsciously I write about julia´s blog too.. I think that it is great.

    greetings. tam

  3. The environment politic is a theme very important. Also I think that is great that you think same.


  4. very good post! Very objective and nicely put. You are a good student Claudia. And I hear a very good teacher as well.
