Friday 3 July 2009

The Last Post of the Years

Hello classmates the bloggspot

The blogger was a experience very good to learn more words that our help to write a little better. I believe that to learn to write a bit better, though I believe that this one was a good space to exercise and to know new vocabularies to use them in our life.

Along the course I liked the topics that we touched in this bloggspot, because they were related to our career of public administration, I remember that the topic more I like he was my best friends, because I could speak with them. The blogger also I like because it was entertained to read the texts of my classmates, though some of them were a bit difficult to deal, but it had of everything and it was good.

I can say that enjoy writing every Thursday at 12 a.m. of the day because the activities were not gruelling, but only at the conclusion of the hour(o'clock); but in general it was more flexible.

It help me with my improve English, Because I learn more vocabulary, conoci more words and every post tries to do the possible better thing.

My opinion about of the avanzes they are positive, but I think that in my personal case there was not major difference because I do not study the necessary thing.

The opinion on the advantages of blogging in the English class was good, because If we had some doubt the miss was answering us and was guiding us in looking for the correct phrases. About the disadventage I think that there are not.

Thursday 25 June 2009

I would like work as??

I am going to talk about the my ideal job
My ideal job will be Lawyer, especially in criminal law. I would like live in a tired and safe sociality. I think that a eficient administration and peoples with true vocation, our legislation could advance quicky and maybe to do converte in leaders of the future, but I think is very difficult because it not enough with this. The system should change, develop together with the time. I think that I would need many toolds and skills, as for example: I would should have good memory, understanding reader, I have knowledge about the history around the world,and the principal, I feel vocation and I think that can help to lot people, because for my this profesional is on all social. I would work as lawyer in this in the future, bacause I could hands mis ideas and to contribute to reduce the delincuency in our country. I like be a professional didicate, honesty, discreet with the topic the of job. The people deposite all her confidence in the law, so the lawyer should be people credibility. I think that find this job is same that other, while we look to job also is mportant our behavior y safety the our knowledge.
The lawyers graduates The University of Chile. They always obtain the better result in evalutation or test international.

Thursday 18 June 2009

The Environmental


I going to do a critique the post the July , called " if I could change the politic environmental Chileans politics". The post is very coherent with your form of the think. your have reason when you say that our should to take care the environment and the nature. Also we share the same values, as respect and to carry out activity as recicler materials, glass, papers between other things. The CONAMA is a institutition with the mission the preserve the environmental and to supervice to the people, but your have reason that our sociality have not the culture neccesary for assimilate this reality. The energy is a problem present that all should resolve, because all enyoy of the nature.

Well, your posts always are related with this topic, maybe your could change a little, for example: your often harmonize your blogger with shade the colour green, as well the format of blogspot is "the green room" a little redundant, but anyway is very beautiful your blogger. About the photos, they are very goods, I must say that always surprising me. You are a person very creative.

I hope that our country change the politic evironmental and to raise the business tax or green tax for reduce the environmental pollution.

Thursday 11 June 2009

Ken Robison says schools kill creativity

I am listening to critive expert Sin Ken Robison, Who wish do changes in the education.
He begin talking of the public school. He speach that all our should change y contribute to a best education, the innovate more technology is a tool neccesary. He show that the children have an incredible talent. they are the future.

He emphsize her atention in the teachers. They should put atention in the behavior the students. They too should be people with knowlegde to date.
The history of the education is very extensive and it have that to change together with the time. The subject as mathematics and language are important and the results sometimes are not significant as other subject, where the student participate and share with enthusiasm and liking. He explain throught artists or actor as Shakespeare and Picaso ( they learning many thing).

The Public Education should be the excellence academic, there is that revolutionize.
Sir Ribinson show that should exist interaction in the classroom. Her review is strong and direct againstall the people that have responsability in topics the education. He talk that they is killing the schools. In my opinion her speech is ironic and through the humour he speak of the profit as in the education. He have reason in the infinites abiliti and capacity of the children, where is should be develop the form comprehnsive. the University should participate and collaborate in a best education.

demografica poblacion privadas escuelas experiencia dinamica intereccion presenttion subject
laenseñanza es distinta
areas de extencion recreaccion dinamica
especialidades en las salas de clases debe haber interccion las peronas son
responsabilidad concepto sicologico las capacidades que pueden desarrollar habilidades

Thursday 4 June 2009

hello classmates:

The politics in our country is connected with Constitution. It is strict and all the changes, are for half the laws.

If I could change the politc actually, I would do a big restructuring in the organization the our Constitution, because is the law the of grater hierarchy and like this, we could smile, of a best way the needs of the people.

I think that is very difficult that our member of congress to accede a change the Constitucion. They need about the a sixtY porcent the passing for a proyecto the law.

I think that could affect a my country, because we aren't maybe prepared. There are thing that I don't like, as for example: the system of health, education, agriculture, the working day and Ecomomy.

I would like that the civil servant will be more committed with him labour. They would must be people with thorough knowledge of the subjects presents. I would instruct more values in all the people; as honesty, provity, committed, maybe a best system educational us could help a build better politic public.

I would be a good and honesty civil servant in the future.

Thursday 28 May 2009



My best friends are Pilar and Marce. They were my classmates in the school since 2001 until 2007.we wet and to begin to together in the nini break at the school, we shared much in the school.With Marce we talking, us like go to the same places, we share our anecdotes and values in commmon, as the loyaty . I often going her house to lunch or sometimes we go the shopping. we always us tell all. Pilar is very different to us. She is very pleasant, but she have a too strong character, she is very responsibile. when,we can meet us at some house of our or in a place public. After finiching our class in school in the 2007, we enter at the University. we move away a little for the burden academic, but we do not lost the contac, sometimes talking for messenger.

I remember that once with Marce discuss about homework, but it was some without importance.

My friends are important for my, because I feel high regard fot them. They have been supportives with me. When I am sad for some motive, they always raise the spirit.

I hope that my friends will be fortunate in her lives and to achieve all her dreams.

Tuesday 12 May 2009

My favourite web site is???

In really is difficult for my to say my favourite web, because I dislake to be sitting front at computer much time. I think that my favourite web site is, because I always have that to check my mails. In this site I can send information a others people in form quicky, safe and confidential.

I dont remember very well, as I know this site, but I think that was to be a tool necessary for my studies. With my friends hight school our get in touch for msnMSN that is a messenger company snapshot, for talking and to discuss importan topic or things without matther.
Today I often visitid this sit, because I here recivid the mails that send me the at University, my teachers, my mates or other peoples. I can say that this is my mail official.
I like is site, because I can keep matthes importants, I can comunicate me with my friends or people that I dont see everyday.

I often to chat with my brother Edu. he live in Valparaíso and our to comunicate for this means electronic as . Also it have other optiones as new on line, plays, to make friends, to unload photos, images, videos, between many more.

Thursday 7 May 2009

Yesterday, The beatles


My favourite song is yesterday the beatles. I remember the first heard it was in the home the my friend the high school, because she is fanatical the this band-group. I liked munch that song and starded a translate for kwon that expressed. In general more that the letter song it I like hir melodie is passive, relaxing and very romantic.

When I heard this song in the radio, videos or in anywhere I always hope that finish the melodie, is a little stupid, because is only a song that I can heard in my MP3 or in radio the my bedroom, but I like munch.when I want relax a little too the heard. My friend that is fanatic the beatles, she say me that they have better songs as like, "love me do", but in my opnion Yestarday is the best, because her lettler say thing important, as like to value those that have in the present and to take care the do something that in the tomorrow us to be sorry and next long for yesterday.

If somebody is suffering for love, is not prudent or sensible that heard it, because is very sad.

All my troubles seemed so far away,
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh I believe in yesterday
I'm not half the man I used to be
There's a shadow hanging over me
Oh yesterday came suddenly
Why she had to go
I don't know, she wouldn't say
I said something wrong
now I'm long for yesterday
Love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh I believe in yesterday
Why she had to go
I don't know, she wouldn't say
I said something wrong
now I'm long for yesterday
Love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh I believe in yesterday

Thursday 30 April 2009


My favourite piece of tecnology is the cellular, because is a piece very useful for me.I can talk with my friends that I can not visit, because they live far from my home. I usually speak with my mother for cellular. I do not live with my family, they live in the V region about the Quillota. I often use is tool to comment as me feel, as me go in the University to my mun. I like too send text messange, is more cheap and my mother can respond or call me. I have mobile about the three years. It was a gift the my aunt for my happybirthday and for be her favourite niece( She say this). In general I use it for cumunicate me with my mate the university or for recivid calleds importants. I would like change it for one more moderm, beacause my cellular is old a little.
My life without it not will be difficult, but I could not talk with my friends that I do not see every day and my Mother could not call me at any moment, she could have that call me at telephono the my home and in the night.

Thursday 23 April 2009

I am studing Public Administration

I am studing public administration, because I would like work for the people in the future and I feel a engagenment for the public service. I think that could be in the area the public management or area sociality, as like home, education,culture and enviorement for to mention.
The tools that we will need will be the high tecnology for do more quickly and nifty we work and like this the help and the information will be better recivid for the people,in general we allower be professionals more efficients. My favourite subject is the sciency theory, because is a different subject that I help to see the thing about the life since other perspective, and I can to be very useful for to understand the behavior the people in the society too I like a litte economy. The career is orient about the ideals, as like the provity, responsibility, transparency, honesty like that to be integrity professionals.

My carrear is very importan

My carrear is very importan

Saturday 18 April 2009

Port of San Antonio

the picture was taked for my aunt in the San Antonio of port in V region the Valparaíso. I'm besides a my uncle Andrés, they are very important for my, is as my second mother. It was a day very beatiful, we were about the september the past years. I remember that it was fresch and had munch wind, in this place tha peoples to sell many thing, like waistcoats, hoops, pictures, figures about of the sea and also there are boats very big.In the Caleta the seafood are very good.This Port is the second more important from Chile( merchandise to disembark). I like munch this place for his fresh air or "marine breeze", because is very clean and pleasing. It place is visited for many tourists especially the Argentina, The people that live in that place are very simpathetic, I hope to come back again; but for more days with my friends the University.

Port of San Antonio

Thursday 9 April 2009

My name is claudia zamora.I am nine years old at the momentI am studing public administration and I am very happy.
I would like learn to read, speaking well; but I think that very difficult for my.
The class are very well with my mate talking and practice a little;but sometimes I am boring, well this year I think that will be fine, but more difficult.